japan Modi and Trump resolve trade issues in G-20 summit 2019

G-20 summit 2019G20:-The G-20, is a group of finance ministers and central bankgovernors from 19 of the world's largest economies . Its membership comprises 19 countries  including the European Union.The first G20 summit occurred in Berlin, in December 1999, and was hosted by the German and Canadian finance ministers,  to broaden the discussions on key economic and financial policy issues and to overcome the financial crisis that can affect many countries around the world.

  japan Modi and Trump resolve trade issues in G-20 summit 2019
  japan Modi and Trump resolve trade issues in G-20 summit 2019

New Delhi:  Prime Minister Narendra Modi met US President Donald Trump on the alongside the G-20 Summit in Osaka(the venue for G20 Summit 2019 in japan).Before meeting,US President Donald Trump tweeted a teaser. He demanded from PM Modi to withdraw "unacceptable" high tariffs recently imposed on certain US products.it was the first   time after PM Modi's reelection in the recently concluded Lok Sabha polls.

The tariff tantrum of Trump began last year when his administration hiked tariffs on import of aluminium and steel from many countries including India and European Union. In response, India hiked tariffs on 28 items imported from the US.This responded somewhat hit trump directly.

However, when the two leaders met this morning,PM Modi and Mr Trump touched upon a range of issues, including various bilateral and global issues including trade, various aspects of mutual interest, defense and 5G communications networks.

After meeting, Donald Trump said as he sat down with PM Modi. We have become great friends and our countries have never been closer.now I can say that with surety. We will work together . The Prime Minister's bilateral meet with Mr Trump is crucial as the two nations seek to make a breakthrough in their ongoing trade dispute.Discussion between Modi and Trump was brief.Discussion between Modi and Trump was brief ,the bullying tactics of the US president didn't work on the Indian prime minister.